Generate more revenue by optimizing your relationship with dealers
As a manufacturer, you seek to optimize your sales and orders while aspiring to an optimal collaboration with your dealer network.
Are you familiar with:
- Spending hours verifying the accuracy of quotes submitted by your dealers?
- Finding errors or inconsistencies with your catalog in the received orders?
- Feeling frustrated with scattered project and order management, lacking a centralized tool for effective tracking?
Address these challenges with Coati Factory, an all-in-one solution designed to:
- Facilitate the creation and tracking of quotes based on your catalog products,
- Centralize project and order management, with an accurate visualization of the options selected by customers,
- Update customer projects with all necessary information already saved,
- Instantly generate accurate customer quotes, including the total price with tax,
- Edit the manufacturer’s quote for the dealer with a single click,
- Ensure automatically validated orders, guaranteeing error-free configurations and compliance of finished products.
Your dealers will appreciate closing sales faster and more easily with a modern and intuitive tool.

Initiate change with Coati Factory and become a leader in your sector by collaborating with a high-performing dealer network.